I think in every situation where I ever compared the number of strikes/fish caught on different strength of line, the light line put more fish in the boat 100% of the time. So as I've gotten older, I continue to skew more and more to lighter line. If I'm fishing near brush or strightlining under the boat, I'll usually use 4 and 6 lb test. If I'm using minnows, I never use 2 lb test. I use 2 lb test on my favorite jig rod in areas of little to no brush and open water. The lighter line casts further, is less impacted by the wind/current, and gets me more strikes. Even though it is 2 pound test, it probably pulls free on 80-90% of the stuff that the 4 lb test would have pulled free on. Obviously, there are plenty of times neither one would pull free.

Also, it isn't uncommon for me to be fishing in water where I can see my jig up to 5-6 feet down. Not sure that counts as super duper clear, but for piedmont lakes, that's pretty clear.

Thank you,