Quote Originally Posted by Fish on Line View Post
Did you Google the diet plan to get the info ---- I have been fortune enough to have always been less than 170 pounds. when I suddenly for no reason started dropping weight like I let go of sand bags it drove my doctor CRAZY --- From 168 to 130 in less than three months... She ran every test known to the medical Profession. She said the only reason could be that for some reason my Matabiosim had changed. But man did I feel better -- you bet you .. I am proud of you and letting others know is a game changer for better health.
I did do some Google research to see what green vegetables were okay. I basically eat eggs, meat and green vegetables. I cook my eggs in real butter, I eat the skin on chicken. I eat ribs with no sauce. I eat hamburger steaks, cheeseburgers with no bun, ribeyes, ham, pork shoulder, things like that. I have kept it very simple. Like my mind.