One week till the fall gathering. Me and Jeff will be there on Thursday in cabin #1. Social hour/liars club will be Friday evening at cabin #1 and #2. I will be supplying a crock pot of either sloppy joe or BBQ beef along with buns for Friday. We need things to go with the sandwiches; chips, cole slaw, tater salad, etc. I have plastic ware but don't have plates if someone wants to bring some. Also need paper towels or napkins.

Saturday evening will be the fish fry. I have plenty of fish and will also supply the fish coating, fryer and everything to cook the fish. We need sides, Tim is bringing beans and cole slaw. Does someone want to bring sweet corn? I'll bring a second cooker in case we do have corn. How about desserts?

Right now we have myself, Jeff, Michelle, Steve, Jeri, Kendra Tim and Dar with Gary and Tonda as maybe. Anybody else plan on showing up? If you could chime in by Wednesday I will make sure to take enough fish.

See everyone next weekend.