i had rocky mountain spotted fever and west nile at the same time last october. the west nile got in my spine causing menningitis. i had 105 fever for 5 days, couldn't control my arms or legs missed 6 weeks of work and basically had to learn how to walk again. what a lot of folks don't know is with rmsf the tick does not have to latch on to you all it has to do is bite ya. ive been in health care for 25 years and rocky mountain used to be non-existant in the south. in the past few years i have noticed an increase in occurrence. the trick to it is promp treatment. if you notice yourself feeling feverish and achy get to the doctor tick or no tick. about 3 days after the fever you will notice a rash and its obvious cause it covers the palms of hands and soles of feet it can even get in you mouth. doxycycline is the only treatment and the faster ya start it the less symptoms you will have and this also will prevent the Lyme dz that can sometimes follow. the west nile is actually much worse cause there is no treatment and it can effect any body system. mine was in my spine but it can effect organs as well and it can last for months. mine was last october and i still do not have near the equilibrium i used to when i'm in my boat. if the wind is over about 10 to 15 mph i simply cant go or i will be hang off the side of the boat. i highly recomend deet at all times and a thermacel early and late when your fishing. im going on and on but i know what im talking about insect born dz's can kill ya. i got lucky. a little precaution can go a long way.