Quote Originally Posted by JD1 View Post
My Elite 5 DSI will not power on. This is the first time I had it out this year. I know there is power because I have 2 units.(Just purchased another from a member) I am running them in my kitchen with a batt charger. Has anyone else had this problem?
Not sure it's a good idea to run the unit off a charger. You could be pushing too much juice and fry the unit, or not enough and the unit won't come on.

I hooked mine up to a jumper battery, and if the clamps weren't tight to the unit's leads ... then it wouldn't come on. Or if the jumper battery wasn't charged up real good, it wouldn't come on, either ... or it would work for awhile and then start fading out. I run it, on my boat, through the trolling motor wiring ... and back when I had a 27series battery, the battery would get weak from several hours of heavy use and the screen would start fading out or the unit would simply turn off from lack of sufficient power.

I'd recommend getting a small 12v battery (like for a motorcycle) if you intend to keep playing with the unit in your home. They cost about the same as a cheap jumper battery (~$30-$35) but can be kept charged by your charger ... (the cheap jumper batteries don't hold their charge very long)

But, I'd find out if the unit is still functional, first ... before spending any money on a battery to use in your house.

Now .... I may be totally off base with this, so I'd suggest waiting for some more replies (from more knowledgeable persons) before taking my word.