Grew up in Mississippi cane pole fishing for bream and crappie with my parents, aunts and uncles....for bream we used crickets, worms and roaches (true, had to buy them suckers)....for crappie (we called them white perch), we used shiners.....I moved to Louisiana in 1964....had a 1960 Evinrude 5 1/2 horse.....fished False River and Old River some.....had to rent a boat.....then tried hunting deer with bow and arrow for some years.....23 years ago got back into fishing with Didi's son.....he taught me how to crappie fish with jig pole and jigs....but I could not stay away from the shiners.....something about seeing that cork go down.........even today, I still "prefers shiners" .....that was easy, huh.......