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  • snake River's Avatar
    06-02-2024, 07:28 AM
    If you probably know East Texas has been hit by a bad storm and we’ve been without electricity for four days now and there’s no good news ahead so we may be days without electricity down here .
    19 replies | 652 view(s)
  • skeetbum's Avatar
    06-02-2024, 08:08 PM
    I had a bad time Friday night and wound up in the ER for five hours. Back home after so it’s not terrible but not great either. Seems that I have a 4mm kidney stone on my left side. They get your attention. They knocked down the pain and knocked me down with some pain meds. It’s small and still up high and needs to drop down before I can pass it....
    20 replies | 504 view(s)
  • BON TEMPS's Avatar
    06-02-2024, 08:06 AM
    My Grandson Austin loves to fish and when his 8th Grade Class Trip to Disney World fell apart my good friend "Going Catching" invited us up to his campsite at Toledo Bend. Austin was so pumped not because he has been to Disney over 20 times but because it was our first trip to The Bend and he loves to fish. To top it off we had great weather and...
    16 replies | 576 view(s)
    06-01-2024, 08:26 AM
    The well is just about dry with my favorite feather. Just about out of my Drake Gadwall flank feathers and looking for some in bulk. If someone has some I would buy or trade for some. My regular supplier's didn't shoot any the last couple of years due to drought conditions the past couple years. Big companies want a small fortune for a hand full...
    23 replies | 447 view(s)
  • crappiejim's Avatar
    06-01-2024, 07:24 PM
    I have had this boat about 4 years and had low compression a couple of years ago and had a jasper engine replacement. All is running great. I have always used quicksilver oil in it but am wondering about trying some other oil. I see BPS has some considerably cheaper and has good reviews. Just wondering what others here do. It had always had...
    16 replies | 1079 view(s)
  • CTPanfisher's Avatar
    06-05-2024, 07:12 PM
    I don't fish for bass, but today I caught my PB by a long shot. In my exploration of the NYC water reservoirs, I found a new spot loaded with medium size gills. After catching about 20, I moved to another spot, surprisingly shallow, so I didn't have much hope. After a couple casts, a fish started pulling line. Thankfully I moved to 8lb braid,...
    16 replies | 399 view(s)
  • gobbler's Avatar
    06-02-2024, 12:16 AM
    13 replies | 891 view(s)
  • DockShootinJack's Avatar
    06-01-2024, 07:10 AM
    Welcome aboard from East Tennessee
    13 replies | 299 view(s)
  • Mud's Avatar
    06-04-2024, 06:33 PM
    Took a salt water today in Key Largo and got a nice blue line tile, 2 snowy grouper, 3lb yellowtail and a dozen schoolies mahi so…. still rather be on the lake chasing gills right now.
    13 replies | 456 view(s)
  • Gill Fisher's Avatar
    06-04-2024, 05:50 PM
    Ok. I have both the skinny and the fat plastics in hand. They are very nearly the same length. The skinny is 1 1/8 inches long and the fat one is 1 1/4 inches long. The skinny one has 5 segments in the body and the fat one has 4 segments in the body. But the main difference is that the skinny one is about the thickness of a standard toothpick like...
    13 replies | 401 view(s)
  • gillchaser999's Avatar
    06-01-2024, 03:42 PM
    Arrived at Lake McIntosh this morning around eleven, it’s overcast , a little windy , but the biggest issue was , people. One spot was open on the left side of the dock . I counted thirteen people fishing from where I was casting . The most I’ve seen there before . I caught two small gills and a small shellcracker before a teenager tossed a...
    14 replies | 381 view(s)
  • DockShootinJack's Avatar
    06-01-2024, 07:09 AM
    Welcome aboard from East Tennessee
    11 replies | 337 view(s)
  • DockShootinJack's Avatar
    06-05-2024, 04:19 AM
    Welcome aboard from East Tennessee
    11 replies | 259 view(s)
  • DockShootinJack's Avatar
    06-02-2024, 07:08 AM
    Welcome aboard from East Tennessee
    11 replies | 247 view(s)
  • Ketchn's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:04 AM
    first time I ever seen this message , thunk , well darnit, went and got kicked off another site yet AGAIN , my bad ....:Rofl:Rofl:Rofl
    11 replies | 339 view(s)
  • DockShootinJack's Avatar
    06-05-2024, 12:48 PM
    Welcome aboard from East Tennessee
    11 replies | 229 view(s)
  • Ketchn's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 06:39 AM
    took said bottom of the lake reincarnated Shake my spear out for a test run ..... it was retired but in today's world of rising costs ..... it was time to get off the couch and get back to work ...... handled well and just absolutely WORE out an ice chest full ..... now is it a long rod you might ask .....nope did it get used over a LS unit...
    13 replies | 473 view(s)
  • keeferfish's Avatar
    06-02-2024, 06:42 PM
    Out fished my partner today but she can't hold a rod very well with paws. Sadie did get to lick some fish! Caught a few nice fish, enough to get the knife dirty. Like Kev said all the schooled up fish were dinks and most didn't want to play so I went old school and turned off all electronics and just dipped. It was fun!
    10 replies | 356 view(s)
  • BarryG's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 10:22 PM
    Happy Birthday! I hope you had a Great day!
    10 replies | 242 view(s)
  • BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 07:16 AM
    Hope you have a great day!
    10 replies | 234 view(s)
  • Gill Fisher's Avatar
    06-01-2024, 07:36 PM
    We were fishing the other day and the Crappie were only hitting small stuff. We suspect there was some type of insect hatch going on. Anyway, my buddy pulled some small plastics out of one of his boxes and we started getting hits right and left. When I got home I began searching the internet for the lure. I finally ran across something called...
    10 replies | 487 view(s)
  • Ketchn's Avatar
    06-05-2024, 07:11 AM
    Some are the best , some not so much ..... Seems the owner of the private dock wants to remodel it is LONG overdue for a redo .... but it will VERY likely mess up the crappie thing spawn wise pretty thoroughly they took a skid steer to the bedding area and BLEW it right up ..... going to go in with a new bulkhead he says .... darnit darnit...
    10 replies | 469 view(s)
  • DockShootinJack's Avatar
    06-02-2024, 04:39 PM
    Welcome aboard from East Tennessee
    10 replies | 169 view(s)
    06-03-2024, 02:42 PM
    Well, heres a few from this morning, the bite lasted 3 hours then silence. the bluegill weighted a whopping 2.6 lbs. take care!!
    10 replies | 240 view(s)
  • DockShootinJack's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 05:10 AM
    Welcome aboard from East Tennessee
    10 replies | 136 view(s)
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