That's a line I won't cross either.............
I uploaded a very short video showing how well the yeast is doing at the 24 hour mark.
You can see how the Bubbler on top is going well releasing the CO2. I don't know why a picture didn't embed, I thought I did it right.
Last edited by SuperDave336; 02-10-2024 at 03:16 PM. Reason: Embed video
S10CHEVY LIKED above post
Thank you SuperDave, I guess when wearing my Mechanic's Hat I become computer illiterate.
SuperDave336 LIKED above post
Another updated video after 3 day showing how well the yeast are working.
This video shows the entire Fermenter. Check out how the Air Lock is pumping now.
Last edited by SuperDave336; 02-12-2024 at 09:23 AM.
I love seeing that yeast at work. That video shows how alive it really is.
Sent from my iPhone using Fishing mobile app
Rojo thanked you for this post
Very cool…
“If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
(Billbob and “G” approved!)
Proud member of Tekeum’s Jigs Pro
heavenornot.netRojo LIKED above post
So I shared this in the “wake up everyone” thread but it’s appropriate here.
“If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
(Billbob and “G” approved!)
Proud member of Tekeum’s Jigs Pro
Right now the Lemon Mead is 11.4% ABV. The 5 days of fermentation rolling burned thru the honey smoothly but quickly. I like to wait till fermentation slows to step feed the must.
I added 2 Tsp of each Fermoplus Integrateur & Yeast Nutrient first stirring them in then added 1 quart of Bon Temp's Honey. The additional honey along with the still available sugars, fermenting bone dry Specific Gravity of .992 will yield a potential 17.2% ABV or 34 proof. Now rarely do these fermentation's run out the sugars completely and I will have to back sweeten at least 2 additional quarts of honey if not 3 all of which lowers the target final Alcohol by Volume total. My target here is 15-15.5% the normal ABV of a $50 bottle of Pino Noir.
By adding the step feeding while fermentation is still active no time is lost or yeast stressed. If you stress the yeast they add a sulfite molecule gas (smells like rotten eggs)
to the CO2 discharge that really stinks everything up along with adding off flavors. In the last picture you can see little Head Space is left. I will have to Rack this Must before any other additions if needed can be done.