Got out for a full day yesterday. Weather was so nice i didn’t notice how many fish I was catching. Got 10 keeper crappies, 5 over 11”, a catfish, perch, 3 gills and 3 lmb that were short. Started the morning in the low 40’s but ended the day over 60*. All my bigger fish were caught in shallow water. No live bait.
Had another good day on the lake yesterday. Wind is relentless here but found some keepers in the protected areas.
S10CHEVY LIKED above post
chaunc with the lake so low what launch are you using, is the one at the camp ground useable
The lake is down, over 2 1/2 ft. Yes the campground ramp can be used, but the docks were taken out, a couple weeks ago.
Had a good couple days this week. Limit both days. Jig and slide bobber put a lot of them in the box.
S10CHEVY LIKED above post