I just sent a message to Dept of Wildlife maybe they can answer my questions
Sent from my Pixel 7 using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
The fishing dock at Tom Steed lake has been storm damaged for a very long time. The park people don't know who is going to are when it is scheduled to be replaced. The lake is low right now and it would seem a good time to work on it. Need more help the Altus Lugert fishing dock is also in need of repair it has broken welds and seems to have shifted to the west. Altus Lugert has been rising slowly and when I visited a few weeks ago there were a lot of gulls and pelicans on the water. I don't think they would be diving and sitting on the lake if there was no food for them at least it seems encouraging. Now let me see now everyone who visits the lakes must pay to park. Altus Lugert has some nice new restrooms and showers for the campers but no money for fishing dock repair? OMG I am such a complainer!
I just sent a message to Dept of Wildlife maybe they can answer my questions
Sent from my Pixel 7 using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
I recently recieved an email from Misty Slawinski the new park manager at Great Plains State Park (AKA Tom Steed Lake). She stated they have the funding and a bidder to fix the fishing pier but do not have a start date and wanted to let people know that the project has not been forgotten. I would also like to let people know the Altus reservoir has been doing major up grades to walking trails,also made a swimming beach and is installing new fishing docks which are not completed after digging the two lakes deeper. I am told that channel catfish have been stocked for a couple of months and the lakes are now on the rotation for stocking with the fisheries dept for other species.
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