Getting older has its advantages.
So I was on my way to get my season pass to Smithville lake thinking what is it going to cost this year, why so much when better lakes are not that far away and don’t charge as much, among other stupid thoughts. The little area you need to go into to get your pass is about an 8’ square space, I had to dodge 2 guys painting and 1 guy watching. Good to see Clay county using funds wisely. But when the nice lady told me my pass was $20 cheaper than last year, I paid and ran like a bandit. Then I realized I got a senior pass, heck yea, couple years won’t have to buy a fishing license, get’n close y’all.
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Getting older has its advantages.
We have a Golden Buckeye card here in Ohio. 60 years old and older. 50% off camping in state parks campgrounds. I have one more year to go. Wondering whether BuckeyeCrappie has one.
In Ohio we don't have to pay or buy a pass to fish USACE reservoirs. Why do you need a pass for Smithville? Water supply reservoir?
It don't matter if your old if you live in Clay County. It's the same price and you can't get both discounts. Save us 30 bucks for paying for the lake anyway by donating our tax money.
The thing that makes me more mad than paying this ridiculous fee is that they spend millions on bike and horse trails but all that stuff is FREE.
A $23.00 daily use fee is just STUPID!
“If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
(Billbob and “G” approved!)
Proud member of Tekeum’s Jigs Pro
There are some free ramps up river, but if you want to use ramps on the main lake they charge, too much. I live outside of Clay county so first time getting any discount out of them. I do agree with Bill on the bike and horse trails, they spend a lot of money on those and it’s all free, money we spend for ramp fees you think they could at least put in some fish cleaning stations. Just checked ramps couple days ago and the only improvements I saw was some new fee booths, imagine that. Ramps at W and Crows were still frozen.
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