HANDBALL? I don't play no stinkin handball, it's Raquetball and at a high level or did. First thing I did is quit my club as to not be seduced about playing too soon which is my normal SOP. When I had two neck vertabrae replaced and they said wait a year to play, I was back on the court in a month.
but this is too serious the minimal blood flow that I have so I will take rehab serious and get back in a more sane timeframe. I have a great support group in my church and fellow athletes who are encouraging me an offering help which really helps. One way I know I am feeling better is my hand is twitching, wanting to get some Thump Therapy ASAP. First break in weather where it warms up and I will be settling on a dock, not doing too much but definitely will have a line in the water and posting articles and pics again.
May even head south and hitting the long lines with you Slab and Bymo!
Thanks to all of you for the encouraging words of support.