I can't do much but get in the way for the most part. I'd like to go but don't have a ride. Anyone near Horn Lake got space for me?
Yep, that time of year again. February 1st is the date, meet at field house at 7 am. Hope I'm well enough to be there.
I can't do much but get in the way for the most part. I'd like to go but don't have a ride. Anyone near Horn Lake got space for me?
Dumb question. But can anyone establish habitat on the lake themselves or is this some type of gov deal
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I and a few others have set habitat out on our own. In the past a few of us gathered to cut material on one date and set it out at a later date. I've gathered material and carried it to boat ramps for whoever wants to set it out.
I didn't get a ride so I stayed home. One facebook group posted photos and videos of the day's work. Wish I could have been there.