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Thread: Motor Turning While Trailering

  1. #21
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    Some of the questions you are asking I can't answer. The Motor Toter is one that came from Bass Pro. It connects to the trailer with a clip pin and then to the motor with the black bungee. The boat is a stick steer boat. It is not a hydraulic steer system. The boat is in the shop getting a new steering cable. I don't know if that has anything to do with the problem I am on here addressing. My first boat was a14' Fisher Marine Stick Steer with a 40 HP, and I just can't remember having this issue with it. I have only had this boat in my possession for one half of a day and night. I am an experienced boater for over 50 years. NC Kenner from what I can remember the short time I was with the boat it does look like the picture you have.

  2. #22
    CrappiePappy's Avatar
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    Sorry for any confusion, Sandy .... here's what I'm calling a "motor totor" ... Site Maintenance ... and it's what I use on my boat (to hold a 90HP Merc steady when trailering). That's why I asked if you had tilt/trim.

    Also, Attwood does make a similar item that's half the cost of the BPS "transom saver". ( Amazon.com )

  3. #23
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    Crappy Pappy, Thanks for the reply. I have used the one you show on the numerous bass boats I have owned and have had no problem with motors ranging from 150 to 225. The one I currently have has a v shaped rubber piece at the top with the black rubber bungee and at the bottom it attaches to the trailer with a clip pin. After looking on Amazon I see that Attwood has an adjustable one like it. When I get the boat back from the shop, parts are on order from Tracker, I will address this problem with gusto !!
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  4. #24
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    I want to thank all of you that have responded. It has been quite a spell since I have been on here. I have been battling some health issues that I won't bore you with the details. Before this boat I owned a 218 DLV Carolina Skiff and sold it approx. 2 years ago. I had pretty much thought my boat owning days were over because one problem I have is I am a little unsteady on my feet. But I got to remembering and thinking back to my first boat, the 14' Fisher Stick Steer, and the idea hit me that if I had another boat like that I would not have to be up and about as much and I could run the boat and fish from one position most of the time. So I began the quest of finding a Panfish 16 Stick Steer. So here we are. But as you know, owning a boat comes with it's challenges. So I want to thank all of you for being so helpful.
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  5. #25
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    Could be that rubber piece for attaching to the trailer is worn. I have the attwood style, solid metal and no tilt problem
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesdean View Post
    Could be that rubber piece for attaching to the trailer is worn. I have the attwood style, solid metal and no tilt problem
    My dad had a Tracker Panfish 16 back in the late 90’s and early 2000s. If I remember correctly, the stock motor toter was bad.

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  7. #27
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    Have thought the same thing about the toter being the problem. I am just going to wait till I get the boat out of the shop and then start dealing with it. Not much I can do till I can get my hands on it. I appreciate all of you and will keep you informed of my progress.
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  8. #28
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    If you put the motor on a totor and pinch down just a tad with the hydraulic. It will not go anywhere. If it doesn't have hydraulic swing it to one side and strap it there.

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  9. #29
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    Update: Got the boat back and the new steering worked a lot better, however, it is also quite a bit stiff when trying to turn left. The motor still swings to one side, so I installed a couple of pad eyes and hooked a bungee cord around the stick and it stays straight. On a side note. I had my first encounter with a wake boat last week. An experience to say the least.

  10. #30
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    Which steering system are you using

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