Happy Birthday's 01/21
These are the Birthday's for Today, Happy Birthday to;
gembobbogy, TnFisher, msblaster, KSRonH, rheuseveldt, paddleman, lzeri, sea ark, Abbotts8, ohio gary, The Crappie King, Phildaddy, Jit, Crappiejig101, ISGTOP, philwchapman, Mandrews, MBoulet, Fishbed63, David Myers, Tin man, medic795, trsteel, trsteel1961, trailbreaker, novalee, Rob3412, prchjerker, Raymond Charles Patterson, littleman101, TimBruce, kdlong, Kwwright20, Pacmansb,mattyv6, Amyd493, TrueAngler, #1Crappiekiller, la'jigin, DGlisson,sakolet, Limbhrtanger7, Dewicky, Ronald Law, BassMarshall, mudgobler, icanrace, tmyarteme, skeezaveli, Mkirby356, tedgi, airpressure, Levi, Thomas Rbronaugh, GabeJones, Shari, Beachbernard1979, Yert1369, Ross414, s81p, Aarondwight, shorebound1, Poohage, Tim73, smithredenbacher, MikesSon, southercustomlures,biwen, BrianHolcombe,Jonahandthewell, AbuGarcia2013, hilldogs, ArkyCrappie,oldschool63, Nugget, Hillbillydave99, StillStoneFarms...
Happy Birthday To you All!!!
Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph