Big old ditch pickle! Thanks for posting
Went out with my dog again and went to an arm of the lake that takes serious time to boat travel to. I couldn't catch a crappie to save my bacon, gave up when the whitecaps started and hadn't touched a fish. Traveled back all the way past my launch fished three more spots and finally figured out how to catch a few. I had to be on the bottom in 33ft of water!
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Last edited by SuperDave336; 01-16-2025 at 08:34 PM. Reason: Fixed disappearing pics
Big old ditch pickle! Thanks for posting
“If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
(Billbob and “G” approved!)
Proud member of Tekeum’s Jigs Pro
heavenornot.netNoodle rod LIKED above post
Way to stay after them and get them figured out...Nice fat belly on that pickle fish, and that crappie is looking good too!
Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph
Nice fish, good way to stick it out and make em give up.
Creativity is just intelligence fooling around
Do your fish survive that ? Pretty much kills them here , just wondering
Good job finding them bro
sum kawl me tha outlaw ketchn whales
Good job on the catches. Sometimes you just got to make the best out of the conditions you have
wannabe fisherman LIKED above post