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Thread: Spider Rigging Mount Question

  1. #1
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    Default Spider Rigging Mount Question

    Name:  IMG_3025.jpg
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Size:  48.4 KBHey guys I figured this might be a good place to reach out and get some input. I have the millennium spyder lok spider rigging set up along with the 16” track system. I have not installed either as of yet trying to get a little inside on the best mounting location.

    I have a 23’ Xpress H17C boat. I run 2 seats up from (left and right and leave the center pedestal open), with graph, TM recessed foot pedal it isn’t cluttered but space is limited. I just want to drill once so maybe someone here can give an idea of the best mounting location. In the pic is the track system I was thinking this location but wasn’t sure if I should run it where the white line in since the t-post can swivel out. Hopefully some of you more experienced guys with a similiar set up can chime in.

    thanks Jerry

  2. #2
    jjue1979's Avatar
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    Honestly, I'm not sure if there is a same setup that you can duplicate since this is all based on personal wants and needs. You are smart to use a track so that you can slide your rod holders as needed for driving, fishing, getting in/out of boat, etc. I personally use the same track on both port and starboard sides--I do have to slide the track on the port side depending on fishing one or two people at the bow, trolling motor position, and ingress/egress at times. The starboard side doesn't slide as much, although I also mount a RAM ball for my 360 & Livescope pole mount (now just a Livescope mount since 360 got moved to trolling motor. One thing that can help with ingress/egress is steps on the trailer so that you don't have to climb, which can require more space to maneuver.
    If I'm not at work or taking kids to their activities, you might find me on "The Rez"
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  3. #3
    CrappiePappy's Avatar
    CrappiePappy is offline Super Moderator - 2013 Man Of The Year * Supporter
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    As far forward as you can put it & still reach the rod handle easily is usually the prime spot. That being said, you'll also want it where the other things (TM, DF, etc.) are not in the way, nor the rod holders are in their way.
    When I did mine, I put everything up like it would be when fishing, then set the rod holders around in different locations to find their sweet spots so that the rods & rod holders were not blocking my view of my depth finder and would allow me to stow/deploy my trolling motor without having to break down or remove the left rod holder.
    As it turned out, that dry run allowed me to set the rod holders where they're the most effective for one person in the front seat, or two people when the double seat is set up. I had to set the left rod holder a little bit back and in so I could stow/deploy the trolling motor and not have to dismantle the rod holder. The two rod holder mounts are not asymmetrically placed, but function as needed.
    And just as a note ... I have the Hi-Tek rod holders.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjue1979 View Post
    Honestly, I'm not sure if there is a same setup that you can duplicate since this is all based on personal wants and needs. You are smart to use a track so that you can slide your rod holders as needed for driving, fishing, getting in/out of boat, etc. I personally use the same track on both port and starboard sides--I do have to slide the track on the port side depending on fishing one or two people at the bow, trolling motor position, and ingress/egress at times. The starboard side doesn't slide as much, although I also mount a RAM ball for my 360 & Livescope pole mount (now just a Livescope mount since 360 got moved to trolling motor. One thing that can help with ingress/egress is steps on the trailer so that you don't have to climb, which can require more space to maneuver.

    Name:  IMG_2629.jpg
Views: 250
Size:  127.0 KBdid put boatefx steps on along with a drotto latch. I really like those upgrades.
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrappiePappy View Post
    As far forward as you can put it & still reach the rod handle easily is usually the prime spot. That being said, you'll also want it where the other things (TM, DF, etc.) are not in the way, nor the rod holders are in their way.
    When I did mine, I put everything up like it would be when fishing, then set the rod holders around in different locations to find their sweet spots so that the rods & rod holders were not blocking my view of my depth finder and would allow me to stow/deploy my trolling motor without having to break down or remove the left rod holder.
    As it turned out, that dry run allowed me to set the rod holders where they're the most effective for one person in the front seat, or two people when the double seat is set up. I had to set the left rod holder a little bit back and in so I could stow/deploy the trolling motor and not have to dismantle the rod holder. The two rod holder mounts are not asymmetrically placed, but function as needed.
    And just as a note ... I have the Hi-Tek rod holders.

    Sent from my SM-N970U using Fishing mobile app

  6. #6
    Ranger690 is offline Legend and 2021 Man of the Year
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    I agree with you. Think long and hard and only drill once. Last time I was doing it, I built a framework out of old deck board and laid it on my deck. I screwed the bases to the wood and tested the placement. You have the option of securing any size/thickness of board to your track and test mounting. Give it a shot.

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    Ranger690 is offline Legend and 2021 Man of the Year
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    Also, I hate drilling holes in my boat. It's a 1991 and I'm the original owner. I currently make use of my original 3 point driftmaster star bases that I installed so many years ago. I make up a new mounting base and mount it to the 1/2" hole in the old base. That is currently how I mount a LS pole and Hitek risers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger690 View Post
    Also, I hate drilling holes in my boat. It's a 1991 and I'm the original owner. I currently make use of my original 3 point driftmaster star bases that I installed so many years ago. I make up a new mounting base and mount it to the 1/2" hole in the old base. That is currently how I mount a LS pole and Hitek risers.
    I probably should care more. I’ve always had boats that I could beat around in. I still have the same habits with a new boat lol

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