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Happy Birthday ksdog
06-02-2024, 10:36 PM
2024 Fishing Forecast
02-10-2024, 05:50 AM
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Those are some very BIG SLABS you have found and figured out to get...
Well folks, ya gotta put up with me a bit longer...I'm still alive...
They multiply so fast we try and kill all we see and keep the 135 to...
You might want to look at Dewey Wills WMA. It's located in east...
Good luck! :pray for a quick recovery!
I fish mostly anywhere from 3' - 20' of water. My LVS34 transducer is...
Prayers in Jesus name for a safe and effective surgery and fast...
Those are some very BIG SLABS you have found and figured out to get...
Big Big Shiners = Big Big Crappie