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Thread: An Idea I had

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
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    Well USPS got at least one right, The Benchside Introduction to Fly Tying got delivered today...However My other book, The Benchside Refernce is headed to Chicago from Madison, IL. Guess they have a hub their and not in St Louis, Mo, which would be closer. Don't know. But, It's on it's way.
    This is an interesting book. First 24 pages are full, top to bottom pages. The remainder are split into top and bottom. Top is page number like 25A, and 25B. Never seen that before.Name:  20240815_111443.jpg
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    Sent from my SM-S916U using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph
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  2. #22
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    Look what they brought today...Now between the two, I may learn a thing or two. If I can get the knowledge to stick is the trick...Name:  20240819_113551.jpg
Views: 60
Size:  124.8 KB

    Sent from my SM-S916U using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph
    Likes S10CHEVY, SuperDave336 LIKED above post

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
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    After thumbing through this latest book, I don't think a person would need any other book. This, in my meagor opinion is the cats meow of tying instructional books. Thank you Fatman...
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

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