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Thread: Alabama Buck

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    North-East Mississippi
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitek View Post
    MY rules of thumb for after you pull the trigger on a deer...

    #1 - I always like to give 1-2 hours if I do not see it fall. Sometimes that is not feasible so we move on to #2 that gets more important...
    #2 - If you follow "good blood" for 150 yds and do not have a dead deer at that point back out and give it more time (4 hours or so). Most of the time we get on tracks where people have tracked 500 yds becasue they had good blood and though the deer was going to be dead for sure. Typically they are just pushing the deer and once they stop the deer will bed down just ahead (if really hurt).
    #3 - If you go back and lose blood do half circles out 20-30 yds looking for blood.
    #4 - If you plan to use a dog back out and call for one.
    #5 - If you do not plan to use a dog start your grid search.
    #6 - DO NOT grid search and then call for dog as last ditch effort.
    Thank you, good stuff to know.

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    Shoals Area Crappie Association

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
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    Very nice buck bro, I tend to agree on largest part of the chest center point, some times the fancy neck shots and such tend to be off a bit and it doesn’t always end well .
    sum kawl me tha outlaw ketchn whales

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