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Thread: 2024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)

  1. #41
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    I'm sure y'all are getting tired of these but I will keep them up to date the rest of the season...

    Hunter tracked this deer about 450-500 yds before losing blood. The dogs tracked to last blood and made a left. Slate put the brakes on this guy after about another 600 yds. He is barking at the deer when we arrive and as we get closer the hunter says "that's not the deer I shot, the spike I shot was more curvy". I asked him if he had heard any other gunshots and he said no. I could 100% tell this deer had been shot and was not going to make it so we ended it. Upon checking it out he determined the bullet entered very close to where he was aiming. He was very adamant for a while that wasn't the deer he shot but finally come to realize it was. It was an interesting track and made for a long drag back to the truck...

    Name:  1-9-25 Spike.jpg
Views: 244
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    Scott Echols
    Hi-Tek Stuff
    Double S Deer Tracking
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  2. #42
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    We had the pleasure of helping a young lady out the other night in the snow. Deer was shot and basically ran with front end down all the way to the wood line where it stopped and got its front legs back under him. They jumped him about 20 yds inside the woods and backed out.

    They were not sure what they had so we went to help out. They had blood just inside the wood line and that was the last spot of blood I saw. We went to where the deer was bedded and found no blood. Slate lined out about 160 yds from the bed and started barking. Didn’t take long and she had her hands on her buck.

    Even had Kensley (my youngest daughter) there and it was her first tracking recovery!

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    Name:  1-11-25 8pt (1).jpg
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    Scott Echols
    Hi-Tek Stuff
    Double S Deer Tracking
    Likes SuperDave336, S10CHEVY, Slabprowler LIKED above post

  3. #43
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    I'm not tired of them. They are all good tracks. Funny to say "that's not my deer".

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDave336 View Post
    I'm not tired of them. They are all good tracks. Funny to say "that's not my deer".
    We get that pretty often due to ground shrinkage but have not had one this adamant yet.
    Scott Echols
    Hi-Tek Stuff
    Double S Deer Tracking
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  5. #45
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    Good stuff HiTek, keep them coming.
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  6. #46
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    I clicked on the hunting section thinking I hope you had posted more recoveries [emoji2024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)2024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)[emoji[emoji62024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)2024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)]2024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)[emoji62024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)2024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)]]2024/2025 Deer Recovery (Scout and Slate)]

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    Shoals Area Crappie Association
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  7. #47
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    Nothing good to report this morning. We are on a string of running deer that are alive and well with non-fatal hits unfortunately. One guy even had a drone come in to check and they finally found the deer alive and well eating and rubbing trees. Had been shot high shoulder with a bow.
    Scott Echols
    Hi-Tek Stuff
    Double S Deer Tracking
    Likes BuckeyeCrappie, SuperDave336, J White LIKED above post

  8. #48
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    Same here to some degree,Hit a big doe low in the chest last night, went up in the air and almost went down , took off across an open pasture on 3 legs , blood pouring out the off side about 3 or 4 inches up on her leg as it dangled, got off a second shot at about way out there and she hit the woods never to be seen again, my 5 year old grandson and I just couldn’t find any blood after she hit them woods .
    Sure wish we had a good dog with us , bet money she was piled up not far in that thicket ….
    Sometimes it just is what it is I suppose, sure was a tough stalk on my hands and knees to them hay bales I shot off of ….even tore my britches
    sum kawl me tha outlaw ketchn whales
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  9. #49
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    With season coming to an end we are trying to get on as many tracks as possible. Most of these deer are alive and well but we somewhat got another one.

    Deer was shot Sunday afternoon and the hunter had tracked the deer about 450 yds before losing blood after it crossed a creek. We arrived about 4 hours after the shot and basically started at last blood. It didn't take Slate long to bark out about 150 yds further. At this point the chase was on. There was no blood until the area the deer was jumped and then again where he hit an asphalt road. He run down it about 600 yds (we would find a drop of blood here and there) and then it got to a point where he started bleeding real good. He went into a yard and by someone's front door where they caught video of him and the dog on their blink camera (hunter received the video Monday). The deer crossed back across the road hitting 4 wheeler trails parallelling the road and then back across the road and across an open field to a creek. At right about the 2 mile mark we almost had him in the creek and he broke again and was on a property we did not have permission to be on.

    At this point I didn't feel like we were running a gut shot deer but he had lost lots of blood but did not want to turn to put up a fight. We backed out in hopes the deer would lay down and he could get permission to get on the property Monday. He could not get permission for that property but received permission for the next property. He went to the area deer would have traveled but come up empty.

    Luckily he was able to get permission for the other property this morning and was able to get his hands on the buck. Hate that we couldn't finish it out but I feel the dogs did all they could with this one and aided in his recovery.

    Name:  1-24-25 8pt.jpg
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    Scott Echols
    Hi-Tek Stuff
    Double S Deer Tracking
    Likes S10CHEVY, J White, Slabprowler LIKED above post

  10. #50
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    Glad you got the buck eventually. Is what it is sometimes.
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