Good job and tasty looking lobster tails.
Was nice to go out for min-season this year with my reg. crew consisting of a couple of local fishing guides with their fams and my daughter and granddaughter who just turned 6 but swims like a fish; haven't checked but she might have gills as she has spent most of her life in and under water.
In Florida we have 2-day recreational season that allows recreational divers to get a chance to grab some crustaceans before the commercial guys are allowed to set their pots out. Each person if properly licensed can harvest 6 lobsters per day of this 2-day mini season and it draws thousands of ppl from around the world to the Keys and the traffic on the water and at the ramps is crazy and there is always a fatality or two and often many fights on the water over lobster spots.
We left at 0 dark thirty to get on our spots before anyone else, anchored and drank our coffee while waiting for the sun to come up.
Windy conditions so we stayed close to shore in shallow water. Had to work harder than normal but we wound up 60 legal lobsters for our 10 person crew which was our limit and everyone had a great time including my granddaughter who caught her first legal lobster which was so great to see.
Took our share home and prepped them for the freezer while keeping a few out for dinner.
Talking with Rojo the other day about food from New Orleans and seafood boils brought back a great memory of discovering Louisiana BBQ shrimp at a restaurant in the french quarter; which I was surprised when the dish that I ordered came out not like any BBQ I ever ate instead it was sautéed shrimp in a decadent butter, garlic an Worcestershire sauce.
So I "BBQ'D" 4 tails: split them in 2 right down the middle with kitchen shears, applied cajun seasoning and put em in the pan with worcestershire, garlic, hot sauce and lime juice and cooked for 6 minutes till the shells turned red. Ayeeeeee!
I sure do love lobster….love to see your pics. Thanks for sharing with us
“If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
(Billbob and “G” approved!)
Proud member of Tekeum’s Jigs Pro
heavenornot.netMud LIKED above post
Lobster is my favorite too. Nice job.
If I die from a Deadly Sin it will be Gluttony!
"Formerly known as rojoguio"