Awesome. I use scent almost all the time. I feel it helps and can make all the difference. Besides Slab Sauce I also use crappie nibbles.
Hello! I am having a banner year catching crappies. This cold weather has really turned on the big Crappie. I had been down for a while with another hip replacement but this down time has helped me to read everything I could get my hands on about crappie fishing. I fished in a boat with Garmin Live Scope and we targeted only the largest crappies we could locate. What a tool. I am saving up to put this Garmin product on my boat. I also discovered that scent holding bodies outperformed all other crappie lures that I have been trolling. I purchased scent from Bass Pro Shops and also have been using Slab Sauce available from the store. Adding scent to my baits has made this year my best ever. I have caught some monsters in the Saint Johns River. For years I fished an area of the Saint Johns for Large Mouth Bass but never tried fishing for Crappie there. I caught a monster Crappie on a deep diving crankbait while fishing for Bass. Crank Bait fishing for Crappie has been a blast. Don't let the cold weather keep your boat in the garage.
Tight Lines
Awesome. I use scent almost all the time. I feel it helps and can make all the difference. Besides Slab Sauce I also use crappie nibbles.
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The fire was smoldering today at Harney Pond. It is almost out. Very slow, small fish.
[/ATTACH] I wouldn’t say that it’s on fire but if you’re patient and slow down they will bite. Saint John’s river area is producing some big ones (
ounces) was the best for sure.
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May all the fish tales you catch be longer than the ones you tell !
Glad you are finding success! Thanks you for sharing
“If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
(Billbob and “G” approved!)
Proud member of Tekeum’s Jigs Pro
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