Happy 4th to you and yours
In the meantime, this forum looks a little sluggish as im sure we all feel----the hot is just hotter every year it seems.i did one evening go to the boat and give it a darn good cleaning seats and all---gonna cover it good for a couple months then when fall comes--do the BIG reveal to a nice clean boat ready for slab hunting!! pray that this coming season will be better than the last.
The Clean Water project is still going strong-- had another meeting with Keith Truenow our state representative now running for State Senator. Kirby Smith the chair of our county commissioners, and Bobby Bonelli the new Lake County Water authority director---The 1st stage was to put 1.78 million in the LCWA budget which dep will match for dredging. Bobbi Bonelli Did that. The next step is to take down trees and stumps and all the other garbage clogging up the Apopka Beauclair canal from the Dam to Lake Beauclair.This should start after September 2024. This money is a seperate line item from dredging money. Keith Truenow has worked hard to get DEP on board, and we are hoping this is just the beginning. I am hoping to do a complete Harris Chain of Lakes Restoration as time goes by and the project here is finished. i have already expressed my feelings to the upper level and got some smiles!Now is the time for all you great fisherman to start sending me specs on troubled waters, too shallow filled in canals etc that need to be restored on all the Lakes. i will then take that information to Keith Truenow ,and Bobbi Bonelli so they can start filing for grants for ongoing waterway work.We at Crappie.Com can be great inspirations for them by reporting the things we see need to be done. Soo if we can"t fish right now due to the heat. lets put our heads toghether and try to come up with areas that could use some help in restoratrion.Thanks for the help.
CG1 "Dances with fish"Slimjim1 LIKED above post
Happy 4th to you and yours
The love for fishing is one of the best gifts you can pass along
Hope you enjoyed the holiday in spite of the heat Linda. I had to work some and didn’t get to fish until Saturday. I was lucky and the bluegill came out to play. I guess that’s as good as I could hope for.
Creativity is just intelligence fooling aroundCrappiegirl1 LIKED above post
Happy belated 4th to you.
Great work on helping to clean up some of our water ways. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Happy 4th (belated) to you as well
“If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
(Billbob and “G” approved!)
Proud member of Tekeum’s Jigs Pro
heavenornot.netS10CHEVY, Crappiegirl1 LIKED above post