It sure is when you turn the picture on its side like that.
Took this in Montana a couple of weeks ago.
Skippa Chippa, Cropduster1968, "D", "G", ET Fish, Catpaw, pg3, Just Steve, Boa3, SpeckledSlab and 9 others LIKED above post
It sure is when you turn the picture on its side like that.
You know me, I'm always ready for a road trip. Chip Newest member of Traveling Team Overallssteve64116 LIKED above post
Don't do that!
That may be a gate to hell.
Friends and family have said it looks like Egyptian, Martian, gorilla, Ferengi (from star Trek 2), or just plain something evil. There is also a second, less-prominent face above the main face.
cknowles673 LIKED above post
I would have left in a hurry, I’ve been blessed in my life, no reason to risk it!! LOL
Cool pic BigSky
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Proud Member of Team Geezer!
That's a great picture... Bizarre but great.
awesome pic. Great job
Looks Egyptian to me but definitely looks weird
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