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Thread: LiveScope Questions for Deep Thinkers - LS vs SideScan

  1. #21
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    The way the software interprets the data in the Black Box and then presents it on the display must make the difference in the unique views between FFS and Perspective. Perspective looks like 3D and FFS is flat.

    I find it interesting that the FFS cone is 20 x 135 degrees and the Perspective cone is 150 x 20 degrees. Same transducer, one 135, the other 150.

  2. #22
    CrappiePappy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyDan View Post
    The way the software interprets the data in the Black Box and then presents it on the display must make the difference in the unique views between FFS and Perspective. Perspective looks like 3D and FFS is flat.

    I find it interesting that the FFS cone is 20 x 135 degrees and the Perspective cone is 150 x 20 degrees. Same transducer, one 135, the other 150.
    I see Perspective's cone angle quoted as 135* AND 150* ... depending on where you look. Like you, I'm not really sure why Perspective mode would show a 15* wider span.
    Even Google AI Overview says both are 135* in one instance, then says both are 150* in another instance, and 135* for Forward & 150* for Perspective in other instances.

    So ... who knows

    The only way I can see Perspective having a 150* span is if the software allows it.
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  3. #23
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    Below are a few replies rec’d from knowledgeable YouTube publishers.

    FloppingCrappie -
    LS Forward will show shadows on larger objects near the bottom, typically large trees and birdge/dock pilings, but only when the transducer is pointed at a specific angle and only on the bottom of the screen. The sonar beam for livescope is technically still being stopped (producing a shadow) on fish suspended in the water colum, but unlike sidevu, there isn't anywhere for shadow to appear on the screen. If you were to scan a school of fish that were suspended 10ft down in water colum, but had a background like a concrete sea wall or large bridge piling, I believe you would see the shadow of the school of fish.

    Randy Carpenter with Garmin Guru -
    The shadows show up on the bottom. If you were scanning a bluff wall then they would show up on the bluff wall.….In another reply he said -
    Because the bottom is shown in q 2 dimensional way whereas Perspective is more 3D due to beam angle.

  4. #24
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    I rec’d this from a Garmin Tech. The bright bottom seen in Perspective makes a lot of sense.

    There is only 3 elements, as seen on the bottom of the transducer, you can see each line where there is beam / element for each direction. Forward, backwards, and straight down.

    Perspective is just in a lot shallow of water to where in brighter conditions you will be able to see shadows, sometimes it can also just be reflection of the fish / object off the surface.”

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