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Thread: LiveScope Questions for Deep Thinkers - LS vs SideScan

  1. #11
    kycreek's Avatar
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    Interesting topic.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinp61 View Post
    Imagine three guys standing a few feet apart, each with a flashlight, all shining on a 1 1/2" pipe 50' away. Think of it as bicycle spokes and hub, the flashlights are at the wheel, the spokes are the beams, and the target is the hub. There isn't going to much of a shadow because of the angles of the lights.

    I'm still ruminating on #2.
    Justin, aren’t you assuming that the beams (flashlights in your example) are focused on the same object? It is my understanding that LS using 5 or 6 beams are focused at various angles from the transducer. And the image we see onscreen are those individual beams that are stitched together.
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    If a number of beams (flashlights) were focused on a single object, your point may be valid.

    What do you think?

  3. #13
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    Not so much one object, but one direction with the beams overlapping. Speaking specifically talking about forward view. I suppose the bicycle wheel wasn't a good example.

  4. #14
    CrappiePappy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyDan View Post
    Justin, aren’t you assuming that the beams (flashlights in your example) are focused on the same object? It is my understanding that LS using 5 or 6 beams are focused at various angles from the transducer. And the image we see onscreen are those individual beams that are stitched together.
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    If a number of beams (flashlights) were focused on a single object, your point may be valid.

    What do you think?
    No, Garmin has already said there's only 3 piezos in the transducer ... each one has a 20* beam (45* angle) ... covering a 135* long & 20* wide swath of water. There are "shadows" in Forward Mode, but only under certain conditions & settings (see pic below):

    You can see shadows of the school of fish at 8ft deep & directly under the transducer. What you're NOT going to see is shadows of individual fish in the distance, like you can with SideScan or LS in Perspective Mode. Those shadows get washed out by the lighting up of the bottom by the overlap of the sonar signal at distance.
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  5. #15
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    Thanks, CrappiePappy! First time hearing the word Piezos. Looked it up, very interesting.

    I want to learn, but need simplification. The math, “there's only 3 piezos in the transducer ... each one has a 20* beam (45* angle) ... covering a 135* long & 20* wide” is understood. Please help me understand the 5 or 6 “cone zones” in the image below. I have a curious nature and love learning. Wished I was more intellectual. LOL
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  6. #16
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    Dan I will say that I've spent 1000's of hours using livescope and consider myself to be quite good at catching fish, but both of your deep thinker threads has got me thinking. I too have an inquistive mind. Scott
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyDan View Post
    Thanks, CrappiePappy! First time hearing the word Piezos. Looked it up, very interesting.

    I want to learn, but need simplification. The math, “there's only 3 piezos in the transducer ... each one has a 20* beam (45* angle) ... covering a 135* long & 20* wide” is understood. Please help me understand the 5 or 6 “cone zones” in the image below. I have a curious nature and love learning. Wished I was more intellectual. LOL
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    I would say the settings on this unit are set way too hot, for starters. Those 6 "lines" showing are a result of the "hot settings", sonar reflections, and/or what is called the "ghost tree" effect. And it could also be turbid water particulates being magnified by those reflections.

    Another thing I found while searching for answers to your "shadows" questions is this :

    there is a distinct difference in the software between forward facing mode and perspective mode on a fish finder, with perspective mode essentially offering a more detailed, 3D-like view of the underwater landscape directly in front of the boat, while forward facing mode provides a broader, flatter view of the area ahead, with different algorithms processing the sonar data for each mode to create these distinct visual representations; essentially, they are separate software settings with different functions.

    Now, the important part of that statement, to me, is that there are "different algorithms" processing the data. So, with that in mind, you can see why there's little to no "shadows" showing in Forward mode vs Perspective mode. The functions of these two modes are completely different & thus are programmed to give you different views.
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  8. #18
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    Thanks for the detailed information. Interested to know where you find the info. I’d like to read more. Can you supply a link for further reading?

    The different algorithms seem to answer my question.

  9. #19
    CrappiePappy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyDan View Post
    Thanks for the detailed information. Interested to know where you find the info. I’d like to read more. Can you supply a link for further reading?

    The different algorithms seem to answer my question.
    Dan, I'm certainly no expert (on anything) so I just Google stuff and put in questions about the subject, then if the AI version doesn't answer my question I'll check out the links that come up. If that doesn't give me a suitable answer, I'll change the question around a little to see if that brings me a better AI Overview statement or another selection of links to check out.

    In this case I Googled: "is there a difference in the software of forward facing mode and perspective mode" (which is where I got the quote about the software/algorithms from the AI Overview)

    And also Googled : "what causes the 5 lines eminating from the transducer in livescope" (where I got the "reflections" & "ghost tree" reference from the AI Overview)

    I did Google other aspects of the question, but they've been replaced in my search history with other dead end questions & the two questions I just mentioned, so I don't remember the exact way I phrased those questions.
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  10. #20
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    Thanks for the search tips. Anyone with a will mind can learn with Google. Could probably earn a Phd in a given subject if you stayed at it…

    Only wished AI would give the resource(s) it used to compile the answer. I looked a didn’t find that.
    UpDate - just discover the “link” icon at the end of the section does bring you to other information. Although it doesn’t seen to give references for all of the info.
    Last edited by DeadlyDan; 01-11-2025 at 11:44 AM.

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