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Thread: Can I use Both with a Y cable splitter

  1. #1
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    Default Can I use Both with a Y cable splitter

    I recently bought a helix 7 g3n side image that comes with a transom transducer. I have installed. I want to use (at least temporary) an older helix 7 g2 down image that is now mounted right beside it for maps and maybe down image off the transom. When it boots up it wants to go to simulation mode since no ducer connected. Is there a y cable that would connect the two. I know you cant see side and down at same time. just want to bypass the startup issue and maybe occasionally use it for down images..

  2. #2
    rnvinc's Avatar
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    There is no current switch to use 2 xducers connected to 1 head unit ...

    There are two Y cables currently available for using 2 xducers (but not for the scenario you desire) ...

    M 9 SIDB Y cable disconnects the 2d wire in the SI xducer and only connects in its place the 2d wire in the additional xducer ...

    M 9 SILR Y cable disconnects the left SI wire in the SI xducer and only connects in its place the left SI from an additional SI xducer ...

    Rickie <--Click here

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    Thanks crappiejim thanked you for this post

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