Crappie Christmas
Yep, that time of year for watching for trees to show up on curbs for pick up.
I got 2 yesterday.
Lowellhturner LIKED above post
Crappie Christmas
The love for fishing is one of the best gifts you can pass alongLowellhturner LIKED above post
On another website a members said he got a lot of trees from a Home Depot in the Jackson, MS area. I went to both Home Depot and Lowes close to me. Didn't see any signs of needles on the ground where trees might have been. I went to a local walmart to check out their clearance items. At the patio center a sign was on the trees, Free. I shopped the store to find nothing I wanted. All the trees were wrapped with cord, making it easy to load and adding more. Wish I had sideboards.
I called Sardis Lake, MS CEO manager, asked where he wanted the trees dropped off. Holiday Lodge boat ramp would be a good place, so I headed there.
Lowellhturner LIKED above post
Placed in sets “C “ trees can be effective if relatively short lived cover, usually lasting 3- 6 years submerged depending on the tree type and almost always reaching their peak productivity their 2nd year underwater after the majority of their needles fall off. Norway spice trees last the longest but nearly as long as fresh green cedar which can last 10- 15 years, again, depending on the species and how green it is when it was submerged
TXSlab LIKED above post
Will today ask ODNR, COE, Ect for formal permission(s) to splash 300(ish) hardwood/ cedar brush blocks in Lake Erie South one last time. Hopefully they will approve…
You're on the right track. I know of at least one health dept that coordinates with Christmas tree vendors to collect Christmas trees and drop them off with fisheries dept at dept natural resources as part of their solid waste recycling effort. Seems to work really well.