• Tangerine dreams and .......

    KABOOM ! Now we all know color is insignificant in the scheme of things and the lady with the clear curly tail on one rod and real minnows on the other will tell you this is fact as well .
    Of course she only managed to ketch one small mud turtle on a minnow and silly me struggled with a yellow and chart and orange tri color right there with her at a mere 2 tiny baby crappie .......
    Here it comes ya"ll , my confidence in the handtie was high and I refused to change it and then it happened , hung it up and lost it .....darn it
    Well , took out a plastic that I affectionately call my Tangerine Dream and tied it on and as it often happens the show began ....
    one little fella tried to eat it so hard the spilt tail came out his gills !
    was it color that made it happen you might ask , certainly not , but then again it was the ONLY thing I changed up on , nothing else . Went from the audience to the performer just like DAT !
    Go figure right .....
    KABOOM is how it is done when they "WON'T" bite ,just saying .....

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Tangerine dreams and ....... started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
      Very nice
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Good post and great color, thanks for sharing .
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      Good job as always. Orange is a good color.
    1. DockShootinJack's Avatar
      DockShootinJack -
      Nice as always
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Never seen that happen before.
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