• Had to go to my office today

    This would be my office. I couldn’t stand it, I just had to go.

    We went to my wife’s brothers house for dinner so other than mowing the lawn, I had time to go. The fish were kinda stingy with only one fish that came to visit. I pitched ultralights for the first time in a good while and was looking forward to some fish cooperating, but it didn’t work out that way. What was great was the conditions. Not a sound for the first hour I was there. Quiet enough that I heard the turkeys footfalls and began looking for them. 7 in the group and three were giants. No train, no jet ski, no other boat, nothing! Calm glassy water and a flow on the river. Cool early on but warmed up nice and the vest and sweatshirt came off.

    What I didn’t see was bait, other than one mullet jumping for the sheer joy of it. Or fish activity. Usually I see or hear fish feeding, popping the surface, something. Didn’t see it today. The river is very high and the woods still flooded. Got one short strike that was probably a small gill. I wasn’t alone though. This fells wasn’t bothered when I got inside ten feet, a Limpkin.

    This was my one visitor, and I was glad to meet him. Got him on the tiny jig in the pic.

    Home just after ten and cut the grass and spent the rest of the day with family. My daughter and granddaughter rode with us so it was very relaxed and enjoyable. Hope that everyone enjoyed their day as well. Hope to see you out soon, wave a hand and say hello when you do. Until then…………Skeet
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Had to go to my office today started by skeetbum View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Slab's Avatar
      Slab -
      St. Johns got the most beautiful crappie. Great day Skeet, thanks for sharing.
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Very nice. I remember the days I spent at you office in the early 60's.
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Very good day Tim
    1. bee's Avatar
      bee -
      What a beautiful view
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