• An Unfair Advantage

    The definition of the phrase can take on many different meanings for sure .
    Some might say certain techniques are or were an unfair advantage .
    Some would go so far as to say certain electronics were an unfair advantage .
    The true definition is often in the eyes of the beholder though in the end .
    I think in many cases its an unfair advantage to put equipment designed to ketch fish in certain folks hands when they are near the water .
    Some just have the "touch" and it could seem to be an unfair advantage to put them near fish with fish ketchn equipment .
    Such is the case with my wife and her Barbie combo and home made jig the last few trips .
    Now mind you ,she has been tutored well and can easily ketch fish since her debut many moons ago .
    When we met about 15 years ago she had never fished with a rod and reel . We bought her several set ups and went after the fish . She wasn't the best at first ,but soon began to build steam and eventually got pretty ok at it .
    One day she saw me ketch crappie on a jig and said she wanted to do it too ! I said well honey it isn't quite as easy as I make it look .
    She insisted and I tied a jig on her push button set up and first cast she ketched her a dandy crappie .
    She got nothing but better from that point on and today I would go so far as to venture to say there isn't likely many folks male or female ,young or old that can school her .
    So never think when you see someone with a Barbie combo in hand that it's funny and they have no clue , because it might just very well be a case of an unfair advantage in disguise !
    p.s. the particulars , hot as heck outside at close to a hundred , hit it for about an hour at 1 pm , we managed around 100 or more quickly , most were smaller fish in 9 to 10 inch range , we both got our lines broke by big fish once each. the fish liked the chart best and no nibbles were required for the most part . found a few larger specimens in the mix and let them all go free this trip .
    One of the locals asked if they were biting as we both slung fish out of the water at the same time , then he said oh ,so that's how it's done
    KABOOM is the word btw .....

    This article was originally published in forum thread: An Unfair Advantage started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 8 Comments
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Great post
    1. Redge's Avatar
      Redge -
      Never judge a book… well you know.

      Sent from my iPhone using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
    1. hdhntr's Avatar
      hdhntr -
      why not a barbie or spiderman pole or the ole zebco 202? Truth is as much as loves to go buy some higher end equipment and debate which rod or reel is better true key is having a line in the water with the right jib on it and presenting it right. My wife still owns me, tho I did finally ketch up to her, with her zebco 202 and a jig just dangling in the water while sitting and petting our dog. it's about being on the water and actual fishing.

      nice story and good for your gal and her barbie pole!
    1. NIMROD's Avatar
      NIMROD -
      Taught her too well lol
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Wow those are nice one's. You did a good job teaching.
    1. cva34's Avatar
      cva34 -
      Cute story(and Barbie) and well written and photos to match....thx
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      Nice catches and pics! KABOOM
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