• No boat , No graph , No minnows

    A certain recipe for a disaster in the summer time if you want a box full of crappie is what comes to mind . Of course there is always someone who will go and mess that scenario up .
    And to be sure that someone is quite possibly me .
    Now mind you it takes life back to its beginnings as a person on the quest to find fish . It makes you depend on your memories and what might be the clues to finding fish . You start to think like you did when you didn't have all the gadgets and tools to put fish in your hand . My Pappy taught me to look for birds on the bank fishing and bait fish in the water near the bank and even taught me how to ketch them bare handed .
    So when it looks dismal and its hot and everyone you see isn't ketchn any fish from the bank . Tune up that memory bank …
    Find that big ole fish eater bird on the point . Find said baitfish in the water and of course what follows will likely be more great memories .
    I went west and found a bird , then found some bait , then found me some crappie . There was feeding frenzy going on when I arrived and it wasn't just one size or kind of baitfish in the water around me . There were big minnows, small minnows and in between sizes in more than one species in large schools all around the spot I hit .
    So it began and so it ended . fish in the box and a sling festival to be remembered .
    I found a really really cool threatened species of box turtle and saw some deer that knew it was time to go when they saw me coming . The western ornate box turtles used to be a common sight back when and to be sure I haven't seen one in around 10 years .
    anyway that's my story and I am sticking it to them as they say
    KABOOM is the word yawl
    p.s. and YES I also had on my lucky crappie.com t shirt btw

    This article was originally published in forum thread: No boat , No graph , No minnows started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Kaboom !
    1. Ketchn's Avatar
      Ketchn -
      p.s. I brought the tortoise to the house just for this week to show my family and she goes back to where I found her tomorrow , just an fyi in case you wondered
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