• Thanks and Appreciation

    Just want to thank everyone that made todays event a huge success. Thanks to my buddies that stepped up immediately when I approached them with the idea, thanks to the members that volunteered to brings needed items, thanks to the guys that helped cook, thanks to the individuals that donated items that were given as door prizes, and thanks to the members that showed up for the event and made it an awesome day. Especially Mike and Kevmc for the wonderful food.

    I appreciate Doug and Adam bringing their boats and making themselves available to answer every question they received. I appreciate Doug and Rickie's presentations. Wade your sound system allowed great communications between presentations and the attendees. I deeply appreciate my family helping with the sign in and with the cooking. They are the best and make me shine brighter than I deserve.

    Still counting, but it seems there were 55 members that signed in. This didn't count their spouses, guests, and kids. We figure we had 80-100 attend. We had several stated that they recently joined crappie.com to come to this event. They enjoyed it and are planning to attend our Shindig. I know I am forgetting something or someone. If I have I apologize up front.

    Finally, I appreciate and thank Slab for this site and all his support staff that keeps this running smooth. It is truly the best fishing forum on the web. In closing, I again enjoyed your attendance, support, and fabulous fellowship given today by each of you.

    Northforker, you are the man for erecting our nations GREAT FLAG thus allowing us to do the pledge.

    Door Prize Donors


    This article was originally published in forum thread: Cobblers, Cream, & Cranks started by crp4570 View original post
    Comments 6 Comments
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Great event
    1. gravelman6's Avatar
      gravelman6 -
      Good times glad it was a success
    1. Northforker's Avatar
      Northforker -
      Thanks for a great event! Crappie fishermen are the best!
    1. skeetbum's Avatar
      skeetbum -
      Great event and some real good pictures. I missed a good one.
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      Looks like a great learning event. Mike save me a brat.
    1. Swampseed's Avatar
      Swampseed -
      Looks like all had a great time!!!
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