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Thread: To Much Time On My Hands

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    Default To Much Time On My Hands

    A while back, a couple years ago now, I bought the boat in my Avitar and mentioned at the bottom of all my posts. A 1980 Ebbtide Dyna Trak 160. A 16ft Tri-Hulled Bass Boat. It came with an Evinrude 65hp outboard. Unfortunately, it don't have trim and tilt on it, and Lord knows it's heavy. None was ever designed for this particular outboard. Shortly after I bought it, got it home, Life jumped in the way, in a very big way. Ms. Joyce had to have open heart surgery, then knee surgery and a few other things too. Don't forget, my knee surgery also. Well, it's satin storage all this time, waiting patiently. Now, the Navy going to finally get to the court cases, (They say), start of the year...Maybe they'll get to mine...
    Momma wants to move to be closer to her youngest daughter, and two grand babies. North Central Florida. Ok, great. We need two vehicles, plus a house, and I want my boat fixed. My dilemma revolves around, my boat. It needs some TLC, and a bunch of that. New lower deck, and probably floatation foam, Either sink mega dollars into a 1973 65 horse and pray, or I been looking around. I found a place out west called onlineoutboardmotors.com. Seems to have good deals all the time. probably replace the outboard with something newer. Now I really like this boat, but been turning over, do I strip this one and junk it, and buy something a bit better, without ALL the work, or put the time and sweat into this one??? Been some long nights over this one, for sure...
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

  2. #2
    RogerA's Avatar
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    Thank you for your military service! I am now 73 years old and have had knee surgery and a complete shoulder replacement and also need the other shoulder replaced. Like you my wife has also had a few issues. At our age I would not consider doing all that work to fix up the boat. In my opinion you should let that one go and find you something else that you can just get in and go fishing. Hope everything works out to the best for you and the wife.
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    Thankyou RogerA, How ever, that's another part of the conundrum. All my life, I'm now 67 yo. till mid March), it's been go, go, go. When I was in the service, I was a cook. 3 meals a day 365 days a year those troops had to be fed. We fed them what was referred to as "A" rations, or food like you would get in a grocery store. We usually ran 2 shifts. 11:00A today till 1:00 Pm tomorrow then back in at 11:00 the following day and every other weekend all weekend long. Unless for one reason or other more cooks transferred than came in, leaving the kitchen short handed. Then it was 3Am till 10Pm every day, 7 days a week, till enough cooks came in to run 2 shifts again...I said all that to say, I guess I'm just used to staying up, staying busy. Don't know how to slow down. If I'm not physically uncapable, then it's a go situation. And, unfortunately, some folks will, and do take advantage. But that's another story...
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

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    Been spending a bit of time re- going over ROJO's build of the Black and Green boat, trying to absorb as much as I can. As Not to this extent, but this is what My boat needs. Stripped to the hull for floatation foam, Probably stringers and Transom. While Coosa is very expensive, another company in ND called Space Age Synthetics, I contacted them Friday via email, and awaiting to hear back. Supposed to be very similar to Coosa, but not as expensive. We will see.

    Another source of info I've been spending time watching on You Tube is Fish Bump TV. Lots of info there as well.
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

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    Hey Eric, my vote is to stay busy fishing rather than work on boat. Busy is busy.
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    Hey griz, I agree, but I like fishing from a boat more than standing on land, is me...Besides, if We end up in Fl., I can't run faster than them gators, LOL. This will take a bit to do, I'm sure, so plenty of fishing days between work days...Who knows, if the right aluminum comes along, I still have that Evinrude Fastwin 18 in my shed...
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

  7. #7
    BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
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    Smarter not harder my friend. That said iffn your going to consider a newer working boat you could always keep thie current one as a project over time…just a thought.
    “If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuckeyeCrappie View Post
    Smarter not harder my friend. That said iffn your going to consider a newer working boat you could always keep thie current one as a project over time…just a thought.
    That my friend is my line of thinking. However, everything revolves around the Gooberment. Momma, Ms. Joyce is pretty dead set on getting closer to those two grandbabies in Fl. and I really don't want to be in the middle of redoing the boat and have to move it. And if they take too long on the settlement, (Camp Lejune water, my case's go to trial), sometime next year...originally slated to go to trial around this month, but the Gooberment, US Navy this time, says they needed more time. It's not supposed to be one case at a time, but many of the same at one time. IN the mean time, up here I have my little 9' inflatable pontoon, but not going to use it when I get to Fl. as it's not tooth proof...lol.
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

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    I haven't split the cap off the boat yet mainly due to health and the weather. Currently living in a mobile home park, that wont allow me to have the boat here. So it's in Storage, who don't allow work either...Praying the Navy gets that Camp Lejeune settlement here soon. Ms. Joyce wants to be close to the Grandbabies, so currently looking around Northeast/central Florida area. east of I-75 but west of Jacksonville. Found a few were liking, but have to play the hurry up and wait, Gooberment game. I got the ball rolling in Nov 2022, but couldn't get all the paperwork done for about a year, primarily waiting on, the VA and Dads service records, as well as Sacramento, Ca.'s bureau of statistics for both parents Death certificates. Man, that was a headache. Anyway, it's been a waiting game since. And seeing's how it's taken longer than 6months with no settlement, it all goes to a Judge. And they're saying those don't kick off for, now, till sometime 2025, after sayin' it would be 2024...
    Also waiting on the VA to get my disability moved from 70% to 100% (temporarily), which gives back pay back to 9 September. There's eight steps to the deciding. the first 4 took 4 days, but it's been at step 5, today makes 52 days. It's sitting on someone's desk under a pile of others, till someone gets to it. Part of me say's take your time, while another part say's, get to doing your job. VA Claims says it's a back log of work for their workers, but I'm still here on the short end of the stick...Waiting. the patient part of me say's, hey that's an extra $2021.58 a month that's piling up, and the other side say's the wait has been long enough....
    Any way, I'm using that to get a new to me truck, and most of the fiberglass materials to do the boat. Trying to decide to either get it done here, or wait till I'm in Florida.
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

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    Went by Wally World today and picked up some goodies to do lights on the boat trailer. Just gonna do them from one end to the other, all new, submersible and LED lights, new wire, plug, the works. Then when I get a warm day, I'll do the bearings. Need to get a good spare while I'm at it too...
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

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