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Thread: To Much Time On My Hands

  1. #11
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    Dec 2017
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    Some of what needs attention on the boatName:  20221018_080257.jpg
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Size:  215.4 KBIn the first pic, on the left center about even with the bottom right of the console you can see what is pictured in the last pic. From there over under the console is a big soft spot. So, once the lights are right, and I get some warm days, that the sky isn't falling, trying to drown everyone, I'm going to open a spot in the floor and see how bad it is with the stringers, and foam, and make a game plan from there. I know wiring is defiantly in the future, as a charging system needs to go in, a fuse box, as well as a master kill switch. But as ole Johnny said, I got it one piece at a time...
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph
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  2. #12
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    Was thumbing through boats tonight and found an old thread on a fellow working on an Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 150. Near same as mine from same company. His is the 15' and mine the 16' model. He was doing a cap off resto, which gives me some insights on my boat. He took plenty of pictures as he took it apart. Here's what it showed. His has the same tri-hull design as mine, just a foot shorter. Not sure if that wood on the transom is all there is there, Sure hope not.
    Main thing I was looking for is the size and lay-out of the stringers. It looks to me to be three, and the center one I'm not sure of the width, but appears to be a 1"x4". Going to finish reading this thread. Later folks.Attachment 497425Attachment 497426Attachment 497427Attachment 497428Attachment 497429Attachment 497430Attachment 497431Attachment 497432Name:  20241204_211659.jpg
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    Sent from my SM-S916U using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph
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  3. #13
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    I ever get to start the resurrection of this boat, I'll see about starting blog page on it. trying to price everything out now, knowing the amount will change between now and then, as well as whether I get it done here or not.
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

  4. #14
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    I'm not sure what happened on the pics and why they're coming up not available or bad link, so I'll try again.This boat is by the same company as my boat, only 9 years newer. This one is a Dynatrac 150 15' and mine is a Dynatrac 160 16' both produced by Ebbtide boats. When ever I get into mine, I sure do believe I will be following in Rojo boot steps, as this mess is totally unacceptable. And mine is 8 years older. Same style, so we will see. Still waiting on the Navy. Trolly be next year before I hear anything. I think I will start getting some of the stuff I need, and squirrel it away. Stuff that can be stored. I would start getting the resin, but read somewhere it's only great for 3 months, then starts going south. I don't mess with it much so don't know. Maybe one of you all can enlighten me. But the rolls of mat..., and 1708, should be good to store. Brushes, air roller, and such can be put up too. Have to see how the cookie crumbles here...Attachment 497786Name:  20241204_211529.jpg
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    Sent from my SM-S916U using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

  5. #15
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    Been spending a lot of time going thru Rojo's thread on his V-100 boat rejuvenation, pretty much copying everything onto notebook paper. Least wise for the parts I need. Did some web surfing and came across Bump TV out of Gulfshores, Al I think, down on the coast I know. Joe Buskins, boat builder. Any way they have a mess of informative videos as well. Been eye balling a place 2bd, 2 bath garage, carport, partial basement 1-1/2 acres...waiting on the Gooberment well it's off the market as of today....Momma say's have faith, ours is out there...I have faith, just hope I'm still around when the Lord decides it's time....
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

  6. #16
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    At our age, I feel the need to prioritize my activities. I don't enjoy fixing stuff now nearly as much as I enjoy catching slabs. SOOOO I would never jump into having to fix a boat to the extent you are talking. There are so many GREAT Boats out there on face book extremely cheap at this time. Just my 2CENTS.

    ROJO is a TRUE RENAISSANCE MAN. The only one I have ever know with so many diverse and finely honed talents. His work on every endeavor is impeccable. Whether it be completely rebuilding boats, campers, AC units, making fine wines, amazing horticulture skills, designing and building boat racks, master outboard mechanic, superb cook , etc.

    In order to do any of ROJO rebuilds one needs the indoor space, all the proper tools , the knowledge, the patience, the time, and the physical capabilities. I'd think it through before I jumped into some of the rebuild projects he has posted.

    Likes SuperDave336, wannabe fisherman LIKED above post
    Thanks Rojo thanked you for this post

  7. #17
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    I plan on finishing my Champion but that will be the last Cap Off restoration I will do. The time required is much more than you think. Materials have gone overboard on price. Much better off buying a composite hull like a old Triton. I need a 8in x 24in piece of G10 Board in 1/4in thick. I bought in the past in large sheets but a 2ft x 3ft piece is over $200 online. No way I'm paying that.
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  8. #18
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    I Been watching prices. Man, you are right, things getting ridicules. BUT then so are prices on boats up here, its like they wanting you to finance a new boat for them by buying there junk, no better than I already have. I know it will be time consuming, but still cheaper than new. I Have nothing but time. NO Job, (medically retired). IF I have to follow Johny Cash's footsteps and do it "One Part at A Time", That's what I have plenty of. Slick as the Gooberment get's me my Settlement, I get a place with an enclosed garage/shop I Start on my boat. I Appreciate the advise, and tuck it away for safe keeping.
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

  9. #19
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    I buy all my composites & resins from Advanced Plastics. I think they are a National outlet. Their range in composite supplies is the best for me here on the Gulf Coast.
    Thanks Jamesdean thanked you for this post

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