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Thread: Parasites

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Malta Bend, Mo
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    Default Parasites

    I have a minnow pond that I have got fathead minnows out of for years. Today I notice a few of them had yellow worms in them. I usually dump several traps in my ponds for food. Is this still a good Idea? Is there anything I can do for the minnow pond? ThanksName:  20201128_091603.jpg
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2019
    SW Missouri
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    The old timers in my area always had shellcrackers in their ponds to decrease/stop this. Apparently they eat the snails that are required for the life cycle of the parasite. It does seem to help in my ponds. We hadn't had this problem (had shellcrackers) and then the otters killed out one of my ponds. When the fish recovered, there were no shellcrackers and we had these parasites for the first time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
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    Those yellow grubs are present in every pond. Their life cycle passes from snails to fish to herons and they get around. they usually don't become a problem in bass unless the bass are stunted in the pond. It won't hurt to feed these minnows to your bass but unless you're dumping hundreds of pounds it's probably more trouble than it's worth. It takes about 10 pounds of minnows to grow a pound of bass. These minnows are quickly eaten by the bass and have little opportunity to spawn in the presence of bass.

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