Thanks for the update. Glad you're still around. Prayers for your complete healing.
It has been over two years since I have posted on the forum. In February of 2023 I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation and everything went downhill from there. Then they found a mass on my thyroid in May and had it removed in June. No cancer praise God! In late September, same year, I started passing blood in my urine. Cat Scan showed two tumors in my right kidney the size of grapefruit. These were cancer. Had right kidney removed in October. Started treatments in November. Just finished last month. Cancer free at the moment. Praise God! Next year in May 2024 just when I thought I could get back in the boat I developed a hernia just above the incision where they took out the kidney. That has since healed. Still in atrial fibrillation though. Just letting you know that by the grace of God I'm back and posting. Looking forward to everyone's posts and reports. I'm particular interested in Hamilton and Catherine if anyone has some info and comments on crappie fishing in those areas. I have spooned for white bass in Hamilton for white bass before I got sick. Never been on Catherine. Look forward to hearing from y'all. May God bless!
Thanks for the update. Glad you're still around. Prayers for your complete healing.
Prayers that you keep healing and good luck on your new expeditions.
Wow prayers for your complete recovery and healing!
“If your too busy to fish, you’re too busy!” Buddy Ebsen
(Billbob and “G” approved!)
Proud member of Tekeum’s Jigs Pro
Prayers for healing. After all that I know you are ready to catch some.
Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Hamilton and Catherine are decent crappie lakes. Gotta be good with electronics this time of year. Better numbers on Hamilton but Catherine has some bigs.
Pros: both have lots of docks and structure so it’s always interesting.
Cons: pleasure boats and lots and lots of tourneys. Constant sounds of lawn work, construction, barking dogs, and home/condo Karen’s telling you to get off “their” water. Also, impossible to take a leak off deck in privacy so take a jug lol.
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Thank you for the recommendations. I've got electronics and don't live all that far from Catherine. Anxious to get started. Very familiar with the jug. Use to be an addicted bow hunter.
Glad to here you’re doing better. Hope you get to get out and enjoy fishing once again.Originally Posted by TrackerTom;[emoji640
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Glade that nasty Cancer didn't take you. I've had my share of that mess. We will be praying for your complete healing till we hear otherwise. Hope you get out and catch an abundance of crappie. I know the getting out and about will do you some good. Be careful and enjoy. Glad your back.
Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph
Sorry to hear about your health challenges and I will pray for you. I have never been on either of the lakes you mentioned so not much help with that as we live in fayetteville. Hang in there this cold weather will be gone soon and you'll get some thump tharapy before you know it. If you come a little further north to fish I am sure somebody could help put you on some fish.