This lady had some dog food in a tupperware container in the refridgerator. The husband happened to come across it, thinking it was something to eat he consumed it.
The lady later asked where the dog food was, the husband responded. oh ! that must've been what I ate, hey, that was pretty good, how about getting some more of that.
The lady went to the grocery store to stock up on the stuff, the grocer asked her what she was going to do with so much dog food, she replied that her husband just loved it.
The grocer said "that will kill him", don't feed that stuff to him !
Well, she came into the store a few weeks later all dressed in black, the grocer said "see, I told ya".
She replied, it wasn't the dog food that killed him, he was laying out in the road licking his genitiles when a car came along and ran over him !