Well, went to Alabama for thanksgiving. First time i had been to my wifes cousins house. I was by Walantha Park, hope i spelled that right. You turn in by there, go up the road by the houses on the lake and it was the fifth one on the right. The wind was really howling but with mountains on three of the four sides, the chop on the water wasn't bad at all. No i didn't fish from a boat, from the dock. Caught more bluegill than we could count and had a good time. Asked him about crow creek and he said i came right over the top of it to get there. His wife is the H.R. manager for the new Home Depot down there. He is the guy I was telling you about a while back who worked at that cable factory. Take care and if you need some help with your boat, don't hesitate to call. Like to see that crappie machine in person. Still have your t-shirt. As for the trim, if you have it in the wrong position, it will let you know pretty quick. Just for fun, trim it all the way up, then gun it. One second thought, don't. Cya