Ok, last post!!

I made a new map with nearly 2 million locations. The locations range from beaches, canals, lakes, streams, ponds, channels, cliffs, craters, falls, harbors, islands, parks, rapids, springs, and trails plus a whole lot more!

This information is for all of the states in the US! Some of it may take a while to load, like streams in Minnesota for example. I tried to do the best I could paging the results so one query wouldn't result in 5,000 results being sent from the server!!

Some of the navigation can get messy, so if you get a map that says it can't be displayed, zoom out a bit.

If you click on a marker at a location, a white balloon will appear. The link at the top (right cilck, save link) can be placed in emails, blogs, forums etc to show others where you are talking about!

The new site is:

Hope you like!

