I guess i missed the shoot-out at the Crappie Gluch Saloon.

Haven't been on the board for the last few weeks as i just started the Fall quaretr. Good luck on my part from the scattered remains that stumbled across. had to go to the top of the page to see if i was on the correct site. saw i was ( just noticed that the two words i just used on either side of the i use the same letters, just reversed) i digress, sat back, scratched my balding head, pondered for a few moments, and relised that this has been brewing for awhile now. glad it happened, the air is clear now, or soon will be. and we can all get back to crappie talk.

my Pop always used to say to me when i went out the door " Watch out for the stupid people, they sure ain't watching out for you."

have a better day tomorrow than you had today; TARFU