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Thread: Storms!!

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ditch Basser View Post
    Limestone Creek went from 126 cfs to 375 cfs. Flint River jumped from 180 cfs to 1,860 cfs. They'll clear up in a few days, but it might take till the weekend. Looks like the amount of water being released from Guntersville will be 30,000 cfs to 52,000 cfs so the river above Decatur will be coming up two or three feet also just because of flow down the river.
    I drove out for a look at noon today and creek is dingy but clearing and water is only up maybe 6 inches from pre storm. Water at beaver dam on swancott rd is nearly clear

  2. #12
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    Sounds good, thanks for the report!

    I'm still hoping to get out but after taking care of sick family members for two weeks I now have it!

    Everyone has tested negative for COVID, Flu and RSV but symptoms are basically the worst case of the Flu ever. We'll see if I've recovered enough to get out.

  3. #13
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    Did you make it into Limestone?

    I didn't go, just didn't have the energy between the drag in and out on top of the cold temps and wind. I'm still struggling to get back to 100% after the round of illness. Mostly over it, but still no energy and coughing my head off makes sleeping hard. I guess I'm getting old.
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ditch Basser View Post

    Did you make it into Limestone?

    I didn't go, just didn't have the energy between the drag in and out on top of the cold temps and wind. I'm still struggling to get back to 100% after the round of illness. Mostly over it, but still no energy and coughing my head off makes sleeping hard. I guess I'm getting old.
    no the water is too low to get my big boat into the pits and don’t have waders that will allow me to use my canoe without getting my feet wet Did find 15 mostly dinks in cotaco yeasterday upstream of sharps ford bridge. Single poles em with chartreuse BG and they were thumping it but no size

  5. #15
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    Thanks for the report, I doubt I'll try it this coming weekend with the crazy cold weather. Maybe it'll warm back up in a couple weeks!
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  6. #16
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    I hit arrowhead Friday from daylight to noon. I went right from the ramp and fished the creek section from the island out to the mouth. It was fairly muddy but cleared as you got closer to the river. 47 degrees.

    crappie bit was very good. I started fishing minnows and jigs 6-8 ft around lay downs in 10-15’ of water. It took me a while to figure it out, but the crappie were shallow, mostly at 2-3’ deep. The shallow fish were very aggressive and the deep ones were very finicky and light biting. I caught between 30 and 40 fish, keeping around half a limit. most keepers were shallow and white crappie. Most of the shorts were black crappie I caught deeper.

    I had most of my success in the first few laydowns starting at the island, and got less and less the closer I got the river.(which is not usual for me!)

    if my trolling motor battery hadn’t died, I probably could have doubled my catch.
    Likes S10CHEVY, Damion Kidd, fishing man LIKED above post

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ditch Basser View Post

    Let me know if you can open these! I couldn't get hyperlinks to work.

    tva Wheeler- Just a moment...

    Guntersville - Just a moment...

    National Water Prediction Service - NOAA - https://water.noaa.gov/#@=-86.549952...F,1,#006EFF&q=

    Tennessee River below Guntersville Dam - https://water.noaa.gov/gauges/GVDA1

    Tennessee River at Whitesburg - https://water.noaa.gov/gauges/WHIA1

    Tennessee River at Decatur - https://water.noaa.gov/gauges/DECA1

    Paint Rock River Near Woodville AL - USGS Water Data for the Nation - https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitorin...owMedian=false

    Paint Rock River (AL) near Woodville - https://water.noaa.gov/gauges/WDVA1

    Flint River at Brownsboro, Al. - USGS Water Data for the Nation - https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitorin...owMedian=false

    Flint River (AL) at Brownsboro - https://water.noaa.gov/gauges/BSBA1

    Aldridge Creek (AL) near Farley - https://water.noaa.gov/gauges/FRYA1

    Limestone Creek Near Athens AL - USGS Water Data for the Nation - https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitorin...owMedian=false

    Limestone Creek (AL) near Athens (Capshaw) - https://water.noaa.gov/gauges/ATNA1

    Swan Creek Below Athens, Ala - USGS Water Data for the Nation - https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitorin...owMedian=false

    Flint Creek at Red Bank RD SE NR Decatur, AL - USGS Water Data for the Nation - https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitorin...owMedian=false

    Flint Creek Near Falkville AL - USGS Water Data for the Nation - https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitorin...owMedian=false

    National Forests in Alabama - Fishing - https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/alaba...telprdb5155133

    DCNR Interactive Map - http://conservationgis.alabama.gov/dcnr/

    Where To Fish In Alabama | Outdoor Alabama - https://www.outdooralabama.com/fresh...D0Ts7kUk-P57Pc

    Crappie NOW Crappie Fishing Magazine - http://www.crappienow.com/home/

    TVA - TVA Recreation Map - https://www.tva.gov/Environment/Recr...Recreation-Map

    Bear Creek Lakes Boat Ramps - http://www.bearcreeklakes.com/boat-ramps.html

    Lake Levels | Birmingham Water Works - https://www.bwwb.org/LakeLevels

    Inland Lake | Outdoor Alabama - https://www.outdooralabama.com/resovoirs/inland-lake

    National Forests in Alabama - Districts - https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/alaba...telprdb5155133

    Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge - http://www.fws.gov/wheeler/publicuse/boatramps.html
    They worked
    Thank You

    Sent from my SM-N970U using Crappie.com mobile app

  8. #18
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    Thanks for the report, way to get on the fish.

    I've noticed sometimes with the wind out of the east and warming temps the shad will come up shallow mid-day into the afternoon in Limestone Creek and be anywhere there's cover from the laydowns or even sometime just a little shade from the west bank. When it happens, you can catch the Crappie hard and fast shallow during the winter. I haven't found that pattern yet this year, but always look for it. Congratulations on figuring them out!

  9. #19
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    Glad the links worked out for you!

    I try not to go to the rivers surprised from the river height or flow. As you start to compare info on these sites, you'll build up a list of where you found the fish based off the data. It helps by not wasting a trip or getting on the fish a little quicker.

  10. #20
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    And thanks for all those links. I follow the wheeler damn level and flow link pretty close.

    I know I can get my little jon into the first pit if the level is greater than 552, haha
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