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Thread: Tuscaloosa done shot down

  1. #41
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    Folks, please limit your exposure, wash your hands, and use hand sanitizer every chance you can.
    My wife is a nurse and is right there on the front line.
    One of Her co workers caught it and is now a patient.
    This is serious, and needs to be treated as such.
    In the grand scheme of things, you have a lot to lose here by NOT following the guidelines.
    Wash your hands, wash your hands, WASH YOUR HANDS!!!
    Thanks funbun, BuckeyeCrappie thanked you for this post

  2. #42
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    Plowing a corn field looks easy when your field is a desk and your plow is a pencil. The truth is no one knows if we've gotten this right or wrong until a few months from now. But some people seem to think, "Let's let this thing go, grow and continue to mutate before we do anything."

    All that changes when it's your family who is dying from this thing. Numbers on a piece of paper and your own mother, friends and family dying are different things. Right here on this forum people know people who have died from this.

    Disco, no offense, bud, but you're welcome to go get the disease and take your chances.

    Economies rise ad fall all the time. That's human history. People seem to care more about the economy that human life.
    no I do agree that there isn't a one size fits all scenario for each city, town and state of the union. That's why I'm happy in Alabama Governor Ivey let the local government decide what's best.

    For our town because we only have 800 or so hospital beds total. If only 5% of the population contract this thing in my area, the 7.3% that we would likely see to need critical care and hospitalization form this will completely overwhelm our local health care system. That's why Tuscaloosa is shutting down. We're shutting down. When you're in rural Alabama and two hospitals have to serve several surrounding counties, you have to make decisions to ensure the that there are enough beds available for people who really need them.

    The real thing is if China had taken this thing seriously as we are at the first news of this, this disease would never have broken out. The moment someone walked into the hospital with symptoms they hadn't seen before, if that person had been quarantined, and the meat markets shut down, we wouldn't be in this fix.
    Last edited by funbun; 04-01-2020 at 08:02 AM.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by funbun View Post
    Disco, no offense, bud, but you're welcome to go get the disease and take your chances.
    I'm taking the same precautions as everyone else. That said, even if I got the virus, my survival chances are excellent, as are yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by funbun View Post
    People seem to care more about the economy that human life.
    They are not mutually exclusive. The current economic forecast is not the normal "rise and fall".

    The St. Louis Fed is saying the unemployment rate could hit 32% in the second quarter. (As a comparison, the unemployment rate in the Great Depression peaked at 25%.)

    Coronavirus: Unemployment could top 32% as 47 million lose jobs, Fed says

    Suicide rates peaked during the Great Depression. Pick your poison.

  4. #44
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  5. #45
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    I’m sure none of us want to get it. But I have read where suicide rates are already way up. My job is considered essential because we supply parts and equipment to the military. If I didn’t have to I would either stay home or go fishing by myself in an isolated area.

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  6. #46
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    And that goes to show that life is fragile, and stressful times like these truly reveals what people's faith and hope is in.
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  7. #47
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    We could argue about this all day! The Depression started in 1929 when we spent 6% of GNP on defense and the top 5% of Americans didn’t hold 80+% of the nations wealth. We survived the depression, WW2 and came out better for it. I’m 63, working in a hospital operating room every day and I am not willing to die for the economy! What I am willing to do is try my best to help my fellow Alabamans! If I die doing that, oh well. There is no reason at all that we can’t keep people fed and housed for the next 3-4 months if we have to! Maybe things will be tough for a few years , but that’s better than the alternative, in my humble estimation. As for the suicide rate going up, it’s a very sad situation. Talk to family members and do what you can to help. That’s all we can do.

    Sent from my iPhone using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
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  8. #48
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    I agree, RC, and also the 1918 Spanish Flu was very, very bad and that coincided with WWI. We survived that as well. Folk's we're in that once in a century situation. It's time to grin, bear it and survive. Stay in contact with friends and loved ones. Make sure they're doing okay.
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  9. #49
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    Interesting take on the subject:

    "If there is one thing on which you'd think left and right could agree, it would be the proper response to the present coronavirus. After all, COVID-19 doesn't distinguish between left and right: Conservatives and liberals are just as likely to contract and even die from it.

    Yet, it's amazing how consistently left and right differ on even this issue.

    Virtually every opinion piece in The New York Times, The Washington Post and every other mainstream, i.e., left-wing, journal share two characteristics: a sense of foreboding (millions will die) and an unshakeable conviction that to prevent mass death, the world's economy must be shut down.

    Meanwhile, virtually every opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal and on just about every conservative website contains less foreboding and asks more questions about whether the cure may be worse than the disease."

    Even on COVID-19, Left and Right Are Divided | Columns

  10. #50
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    One I never said we should have a complete world-wide shutdown. I said I support Alabama state Governor Ivey's decision to let each municipality to decide what is best. I've also said that the reason Tuscaloosa has undergone a 24 hr curfew is to preserve out health care system as we have so few beds available give the rural nature of our state.

    Governor Ivey is conservative and Mayor Maddox is democrat, yet both their decision complement one another. We are agreeing here in Alabama, but outside people want to break things down into one size fits all solutions on either side, when neither is adequate.

    And I find it interesting that you bring up politics, where as we're bringing up real life situations at hand based on our state and municipalities. Please don't put words in my mouth.

    Point of fact is that I live in the county which is not under the Tuscaloosa city 24 hr curfew. The cities hardest hit in Alabama are taking the stiffest measures. Trust me, I am a conservative. The main purpose of conservative is to conserve. Life is what Thomas Jefferson listed first, and life gets priority above all. With out Life there is no liberty or pursuits of happiness.

    Again it's our local limited medical care that is threat of being overwhelm when by the modest numbers of hospital beds here. That may not apply in your neck of the woods, but in Hunstville, Birmingham, & Tucaloosa, AL. It isn't threat of death, it's threat of overwhelming our healthcare system t the point were people who are dying of this or far worse diseases will not get the care they need. I've said that over and over here, yet you boil it down to liberal vs conservative?

    You're out of touch, my friend. Do you life in Tuscaloosa or another area in the state of Alabama where this threat of overwhelmed health care is immement? If not then what are your really contributing here?

    UAB in Birmingham was all ready at 75% surge capacity just because of normal flu season. Now this. They will not be able to handle even a 5% infection rate. People are projecting 20% on the low end. I haven't heard a single person here advocate world-wide shutdown.

    You seem to forget that this thread is about the City of Tuscaloosa and the state of Alabama's sister cities who are under similar threat of overwhelmed health care. We are not as worried about mass death unless the health care system cannot handle the surge.

    I don't care about liberals or conservative or New York Times or the Washington Post. They have their own problems. I'm concered with ttuscaloosa and the state of Alabama. If people would concern themselves with their own neck of the woods we can get through this thing.

    Maybe New York and DC should have a complete shut down. Maybe Alabama needs only a non-essential shut down. Maybe Mobile, AL, can keep running at full title. Maybe Tuscaloosa needs a 24 hr curfew. Let each state, city an municipality govern itself and decide how best to fight the beat this in their neck of the woods.
    Last edited by funbun; 04-01-2020 at 01:50 PM.

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