Okay guys, after combing through a ton of stuff on this site since summer, I have decided to tie my own stuff (some of yall may have seen the dog hair fishing challenge from me). I wanted to take it to the next level and paint my jig heads.

You will need a couple of things.
1. Lead head jigs (or sinkers if u want to paint those)
2. Pro-Tec Powder Paint color of your choice
3. Something to stir the powder
4. lighter/candle
5. drying rack
6. conventional oven

Just heat the jig head 5-10 seconds (most crappies jigs doesn't take that long since it's small).
Dip swirl and wave the jig into the air to cool before u set it to dry
then bake all ur jigs u painted 15 mins or so at 325 degrees
then take ur jigs to tie

Here is the How-to video that I have made

hope you guys enjoy!